2024 Theme: Yoga for self and society:
International Yoga Day 2024: International Yoga Day is celebrated annually on June 21 as a global celebration of wellness. This global movement recognizes the ancient Indian art of yoga and its important effects on our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, crossing cultural and geographical barriers. Millions of people gather for yoga classes, workshops, and talks in tranquil mountain retreats and busy city squares around the world, all driven by the desire for holistic health and peaceful thoughts. Notably, International Yoga Day 2024 will be the 10th anniversary of the event.

This year marks the 10th International Yoga Day with the theme "Yoga for Self and Society". A transformative practice, yoga represents the harmony of mind and body, the balance between thought and action, and the unity of moderation and wholeness. It integrates body, mind, spirit, and soul, offering a holistic approach to health and well-being that brings peace to our hectic lives. Its transformative power is what we celebrate on this special day.

What is Yoga and why do we celebrate it?
Yoga is an ancient physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in India. The word 'yoga' derives from Sanskrit and means to unite or unite, symbolizing the union of body and consciousness. Today it is practiced in various forms around the world and its popularity continues to grow.
Source of Content: UN, Indian Express
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